University of Copenhagen
PhD studies at the Faculty of Humanities
PhD Programme in Education
PhD Courses in education
Department of Science Education
PhD-courses in science education and didactics

Roskilde University
Department of Psychology and Educational Studies
Graduate School in Lifelong Learning
PhD Courses

University of Southern Denmark
Institute of Philosophy, Education and the Study of Religions
PhD programme

Aalborg University
Department of Education, Learning and Philosophy
Doctoral Programmes

Aarhus University
Danish School of Education
The Doctoral School of Educational Research

PhD Courses

Danish Research Agency


Welcome to the Doctoral Network in the Field of Education and Learning

Through this website you'll get an easy access to those Danish research centres offering doctoral studies in the field of pedagogy, educational research, and learning.

Just one click and you'll get relevant information about research centres, Ph.D. seminars, and other related activities. Furthermore you'll get access to useful links to the Danish Research Agency, Danish ministries, and research networks.

Use the menu at the left to guide around in the world of educational research or in the list of courses and other activities at the centres. Please notice that the activities at some centres in this co-operative are placed among other Ph.D. activities at the Faculty.

This website gives an overview of existing resources in the Danish field of education. The purpose is to strengthen an overt environment for educational research in Denmark and to further the coordination and planning of activities at within the field.

The website is initiated by the following institutions within the field of pedagogy, educational research, and learning:

  • Danish Institute for Upper Secondary Education, University of Southern Denmark
  • Graduate School in Lifelong Learning, Roskilde University
  • Department of Education, Philosophy and Rhetoric, University of Copenhagen
  • Doctoral Studies at The Danish School of Education, University of Aarhus
  • Department of Education and Learning, Aalborg University

Courses 2011-12 - both in English and Danish


Suggestions concerning links and improvements of the page can be sent to Mikael Meldstad